East Barnet Lodge 6259 was founded by a number of local business men generally known as the Thursday Club; which was early closing in Barnet back in the day. Dispensation was granted for the consecration to take place at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street on 13th June 1946. The banner dedication was at the Salisbury Hotel, Hertford in March 1958. The central emblem on the banner was adapted from the Lychgate of St Mary’s Church the Virgin in East Barnet, one of the oldest in Hertfordshire. The motto inscribed around the emblem reads ‘Deo Regi Fratribus Honor Fidelitas Benevolentia’ and means ‘For God King and the Brethren, Honour Fidelity and Benevolence’. This motto also appears on the companions jewel of the masonic order of the Holy Royal Arch.

In recent history the members of East Barnet Lodge, whom with a passion for all things Motors, decided to focus as a Classic Motor Enthusiast Lodge, the first in Hertfordshire. If you wish to join or would like further information on our events please contact our Secretary on our Contacts page.